I'm not finished around here, so watch your step!


Welcome to my page!

One day I decided that I was sick of not getting anywhere in life so I decided that I would create a webpage to show off some of the stuff that I've been working on over the years, I also want to use this page to express some of my interests which I plan in the blog section of this page.


This is where I have all of my main interests. Originally I was planning on having a BUNCH of sections but in the end I (aptly) decided on just 3 to keep things a bit more focused and to avoid unnecessarily bloating my website. I will periodically update these pages but only if I feel that it's something really cool or important, you can think of it like a set of portfolios. I might move things around if I feel like it but I will try to avoid deleting things (even if I don't like them!).


My Blog is where I'll put progress updates on my different projects as well as things that don't really fit into the main pages. I might write about some music, games or TV shows that I like or have seen recently. It'll be a bit more personal and less organized as well which should make it more fun.


Meaning External, for all my external links and my contact info should you want to reach out to me.